Hannes Schammann is a professor of policy analysis and migration policy at the University of Hildesheim. His research focuses on various aspects of migration policy, e.g. the role of (local) administration in refugee protection, or the ‘gap’ between public opinion and factual policies. Further research interests include Islamic youth initiatives in Germany and Europe. Prior to his position in Hildesheim, Hannes gained extensive practical experience at the Robert Bosch Foundation, the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF), and the BAG EJSA (social work for young migrants). He still works closely with many actors in the field, is frequently consulted on migration issues by all federal levels and serves as a member of various expert councils. He studied in Passau and Concepción (Chile) and holds a PhD – with a study on “ethnic marketing” – and a diploma in “International Cultural and Business Studies” from the University of Passau.